Thursday, October 2, 2008

Medical Advisor Journals----Prostate Health Articles Written By Friends and Health Experts

Before reading any article, you might want to read the Ezine article written by Chic Ngo, showing you how to obtain all information which you want to collect.
How to Search For Information You Need
In general, finding information free on search engines requires a lot of patience and is time consuming. Free websites most likely provide only limited information if you are searching for something important. The best choice is to buy it because bought information is usually written by specialists and is copyrighted. [August 13, 2008 10:25:46 am] By Chic Ngo

Best Treatment For Prostate Cancer?
By Lyne Doxley Platinum Quality Author

The choices you make in treating prostate cancer depend on a multitude of variables. That is why we've written this article so you can inform yourself what the options are in terms of treating prostate cancer.

When considering the best treatment to apply to a case of prostate cancer, the first thing is whether the tumor has spread to other parts of the body or not. Tumors that are only within the prostate are treatable through either radical prostatectomy, radiation therapy, or "watching and waiting".

When the tumor is a slow-growing one and is not immediately harmful, doctors typically recommend just to watch the progress of the tumor. If the tumor grows slowly enough, it might be best to leave it alone.

A radical prostatectomy is surgery in which the entire prostate gland, as well as the nearby lymph nodes, is removed. After the removal of the prostate, in the penis a catheter is fitted, to allow urine to exit the body with no damage to the area where the prostate used to be.

The procedure is done under general anesthesia. You can plan on being kept in the hospital for two to three days. The catheter needs to stay in for 2 -3 weeks.

Radiation therapy is the other option when treating a tumor. The two kinds of radiation used for treating prostate cancer are external and internal. For external radiation therapy, an x-ray type apparatus focuses a beam of radiation on the prostate.

The internal radiation therapy involves injecting a radioactive 'seed' into the prostate gland. Results have shown both types are similarly effective in treating prostate cancer.

When deciding which treatment is best for your situation, you should consider your personal needs and thoroughly discuss each option with your doctors.

To read more about the radiation treatment option, read my article External Beam Radiation Therapy.

I've also written an article about How to Tell your Family You Have Prostate Cancer.